Wednesday, February 22, 2012


So I was bored one day someplace and decided to take these two shots with my little camera. Do you think you can guess what I was doing and what kind of place at I was at? I bet you can't! XD

 In color.

Black and white (sure looks like fog, doesn't it?)

Hint: I took them from inside our vehicle.

Friday, February 17, 2012


This is more of an introductory entry for the topic of Film rather than just one single one about film, I have more shots in film that need to be developed as I speak and I hope to have several more in the upcoming few weeks.
For these pictures here (and some I haven't finished with yet) I used a 200-speed roll of film (in my Minolta X-370 camera). For those unfamiliar with film, the number for the film-speed is equivelent to the ISO - or it's sensitivity to light.
Years back (or so they say) when film was the standard in photography, 200 and 400 speed film were the standard. 200 is less sensitive to light, and will often be darker if a longer exposure or adequate lighting is not used, 400 can take shots in the shade as well as capture some movement, and 800 (more rare 20 yrs ago) can do fast action and long zoom situations.

Anyway, here are all the non-portrait photos I took with this roll. I don't have permission from the model (my sister) to post the one's I did of her here yet.


This one is a tad dark, but it is one of my favorites.  


 An amazing shot, if I do say so myself. ;-D

Sort of a random shot, I guess....I call it "You Will Never be Forgotten".

High Key pink flowers! Perfect for this last holiday, yes?

Non-high key version.

Another shot of the blossoms. :-)

 Blue Jay! Well actually it's a "Shrub Jay" but it's a Jay and it's Blue, so yeah.

Another shot of a Jay (please click to view full size).

I hope you all liked them! I did pretty good with my first roll of film ever, don't you think?

Monday, February 13, 2012


Sorry I've been neglecting this blog, our video card went out on our desktop and I wasn't able to access my photos for awhile.
Anyway, here are some of my most recent shots, of a harp.

I was going for a controlled "studio lighting" style for this shot, where it looks like I used a light on the harp in a dark room (though in fact it was just a regular room with a chair in the background, and the lighting actually came from further to the right).

This unique angle was pretty awesome in my opinion, except for the part of the window down in the corner.
Did You Know? An actual harp lesson was going on while I took these photos. ;-D

 Same angle, edited in "duplex" coloring, whatever that is. I love the accents it gives to the mechanisms in the center left of the photo (when viewed full screen).

 Another duplex-colored photo, this time with the harp being played! This photo is actually my favorite I think, though the metal part of it looks much better if the photo is turned sideways:

So that it, and not the hand, is more of the main focal point. But that doesn't make much sense, now does it? Since harps aren't played sideways.

I hope you enjoyed these, and I would love your feedback! :-D

Oh, and make it quick...I've got more photos coming since I am behind. lol.